The making of the Constitution of India

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The making of the Constitution of India is a significant chapter in the country’s history, marked by meticulous planning, debates, and discussions. The process spanned over two years, and the Constituent Assembly played a pivotal role in shaping the document.

The making of the Constitution of India is a significant chapter in the country's history, marked by meticulous planning, debates, and discussions. The process spanned over two years, and the Constituent Assembly played a pivotal role in shaping the document.
The making of the Constitution of India | The process spanned over two years, and the Constituent Assembly played a pivotal role in shaping the document. Image credit to

The making of the Constitution of India


The demand for a Constituent Assembly was articulated in the Indian National Congress’s Lahore Session in 1929. The objective was to draft a constitution for India, independent of British rule.

Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)

The Cabinet Mission, comprising three members from Britain, proposed a plan in 1946. The plan suggested the formation of a Constituent Assembly based on the composition of provincial legislatures, with seats allocated to British India and the princely states.

Formation of the Constituent Assembly

The Constituent Assembly was formed on December 9, 1946, with members representing various provinces and princely states. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the President of the Constituent Assembly.

Objective Resolution (1946)

On December 13, 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru moved the ‘Objective Resolution,’ which outlined the principles and goals that the Constitution should embody. It declared India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

Drafting Committee

A drafting committee was appointed on August 29, 1947, under the chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The committee played a crucial role in drafting the Constitution.

Debates and Discussions

The Constituent Assembly engaged in detailed debates on various aspects of the Constitution, including fundamental rights, directive principles, and the federal structure. Members put forth their opinions and concerns.

Adoption of the Constitution

The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution on January 26, 1950, which came into effect, marking India’s transition to a republic. The date is celebrated annually as Republic Day.

Features of the Constitution

The Indian Constitution is known for its length, comprehensiveness, and unique features. It guarantees fundamental rights, lays down the directive principles of state policy, and establishes a federal structure with a strong central government.


The Constitution of India is a living document that can be amended. The process of amendment involves a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament or a special majority of the Constituent Assembly.


The making of the Constitution is a testament to India’s commitment to democracy, rule of law, and social justice. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is often hailed as the chief architect of the Constitution for his pivotal role in its drafting.

The Constitution of India is a dynamic document that has stood the test of time, providing a framework for governance and safeguarding the rights and liberties of its citizens.

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